Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Surveillance Cameras – An Essential Device included in the Security Systems of NYC

The Pierce Brendan Brosnan’s dialogue “My name is Bond, James Bond”, flashes in the mind, when anyone talks about security systems NYC experts or companies specializing in such services. These security systems are need of the hour and if any New Yorker claims to be safe without these, he is living in a bubble that can be busted by anyone within no time.

Why do we need these security systems especially CCTVs?

Although we proud on our sheriff department, FBI secret agents and other intelligence units and regards them for their laudable security services yet we cannot deny from the increased number of the trespassing and intrusions act. According to a study, 20 minor to major property incidents are reported around United States of America over a minute. According to the NYPD spokesperson Mr. Paul Browne, states that the crime rate of NYPD is dropped by 3.5% but the statistics of F.B.I states that there were 378,315 property crimes were reported out of which 62,842 were burglary, 293, 603 were larceny theft and 21, 870 were motor thefts (Source: www.ucrdatatool.go)

Therefore, to bring these crimes down and to halt the unexpected and unpleasant invasions, security agencies are also encouraging people in New York City to have these security cameras installed in their property through the help of a reputed security systems NYC company.

Federal or States laws about Security Camera:

In several states of America, video recording with permission or without permission is legal, unless they are not intruding privacy (refer “Invasion of Privacy”). Every state has its own legal definitions about having these security cameras that allow them to video monitor the activities of commuters. However, installing a hidden camera is a crime and is punishable by $2000 and imprisonment for two years.

What are the different uses of these security cameras?

  • Commercial Purposes: If you own any multi-storey apartment building, office or you have you have your own warehouse, then implanting these CCTVs around public areas and elevators can help you to check any suspicious movement or trespassing. These CCTVs can also help in providing eagle eyes around your warehouse.

  • Bars and Clubs: bars and clubs are the places that are famous for easy anger breakouts resulting in clashes among parties. Therefore, installing CCTVs in bars and restaurants can help owner with footages and recordings, which can be as used as evidences against any illegal attempt or property sabotaging.

  • Residential purposes: No house can claim its 100% safety without these CCTVs camera. Therefore, it is recommended to install surveillance and CCTV camera around your property to ensure the safety of your beloved one and to trap the trespasser.